Aktien Europa Minimum Volatilität
The iSTOXX® Europe Minimum Variance Index aims to minimize the volatility of the STOXX Europe 600 index by weighting the companies in such a way that the historical variance of the resulting index is minimized. With a fixed number of 600 components, the STOXX Europe 600 Index represents large, mid and small capitalization companies across 18 countries of the European region
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Börse | Währung | Ticker | Bloomberg | Reuters |
London Stock Exchange | EUR | EUMV | EUMV LNIEUMV | EUMV.L |
London Stock Exchange | GBX | LEMV | LEMV LN- | LEMV.L |
Borsa Italiana | EUR | EUMV | EUMV IMIEUMV | EUMV.MI |
SIX Swiss Exchange | EUR | EUMV | EUMV SWIEUMV | EUMV.S |
Stuttgart Stock Exchange | EUR | OSX4 | ||
Euronext Paris | EUR | EUMV | EUMV FPIEUMV | EUMV.PA |